— ENTRY 002 —


DATE: 01/08/2024

TITLE: I watched one video and I feel confident to build my own site!! P.2



I mainly created this entry to test the buttons, to see if it showed and hid the entries correcty. But, now that I have created it, I can't just leave it like that, right? Empty.

For now I'll just say, if my calculations are correct and everything works, this site should be up and running on Neocities by the end of the day :D

BTW, IT'S THE FIRST OF THE MONTH. That's cool but also stresses me out because I have a tight deadline for an animation I'm making (I'll show what it's about some other day), but my ADHD won't let me do anything related to the project TT

I HATE my procrastination, man. And I like animating for the project, my brain just likes to self-sabotagge???

Anyway, I won't waste more time writing here, this was suposed to be sweet and short hehe, BYEBYE!!

