Click on the titles below!! (They're collapsibles)

An RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed format that allows users to receive updates from websites in a structured and automatic way. It delivers new content, such as blog posts, news articles, or podcast episodes, directly to subscribers without them having to visit the website manually.

I learned about RSS feed recently and fell in love with the concept and everything related to these feeds. I made myself one, and wanted to see how it looked like in an RSS reader.

But, when I got myself a reader and saw that I only followed my feed... I felt so lonely.

This webring is for people who have an RSS feed (for their personal website) and want to find other people with RSS feeds to follow.

Because not many people have (or know) about RSS feeds In The Year Of Our Lord 2024™, I know it might be a bit hard to grow this ring, but, also for that reason, I hope the members of this ring will grow a sense of community, subscribing to each other's feeds and visiting our websites everytime we're notified about updates.

    To join, you must:
  • Be a normal human being (don't be a bigot, troll, cryptobro, "alpha male", etc.)
  • Have a personal, handmade, website. It doesn't have to be a neocities, but social media (or website that only serve to link to said social media, like Linktree or Carrd in some cases), websites made with website builders (for e.g. Squarespace, Wix) or corporations / big businesses aren't allowed.
  • Have an RSS (any version, or ATOM) feed for said website (you have to be able to access it via your website).
  • Be a bit active on your feed (just don't abandon it).
  • Have fun!! Make as many updates as you want, promoting your personal projects is encouraged.

"Omg ROM, I had no idea RSS feeds existed, they're so cool, I want to have one to join the ring but... I have no idea how to make one?"

I'm so glad you also love RSS feeds, fictional character I made up in my head!! Here are some great resources / tutorials:

(ATOM is basically RSS but slightly better)

A personal website that imitates a desktop. There, I mainly use it for journaling, hosting my graphics and art, and more!! ROM
A personal Blog and Art portfolio, a collection of all my random thoughts Yuma
Caffeine and Lasers Stick around for musings powered by coffee and lasers Cameron
A personal website that's still being added to. Has art and pokemon stuff on it. Zorana
Chill personal site based around Japanese media and more! Amy
My personal fan website where I talk about fanfiction and art. Also hosts my petz site! Jo
Espacio en el que escribo mis opiniones y pensamientos sobre contenidos multimedia en general.

EN: Space in which I write my opinions and thoughts about multimedia content in general.





    Send an email to with your application!! It should contain:
  • Your name.
  • Button (or name, if you don't have one), url and brief description of your website.
  • Url of your feed. I'll follow it, see if it's RSS or ATOM, and place the appropiate tag in the table!

I'll send you a mail saying if you've been accepted or not. Note: I may (cough cough will) take really long to reply. I simply add people and then forget to write to people TT

Then, paste the next code on your website:

This has not yet been properly tested, please let me know if it doesn't work.

Alternatively, if you want to edit the webring so it looks exactly like you want, edit the next code and then paste it in your page:

Remember to switch "" with your site's domain.