And that's no surprise. Literally nobody was like "wow I didn't know that". A GRAND total of 1 people think I don't love you. And that 1 person is your insecurities sometimes. Which I will now scare away by growling: GRRRRR. See? Now they're out of this site, you're welcome bbg. Kiss Kiss. Muak Muak I love you, MUUUUAAAAK.

And... I guess people who don't know I even have a light COULD also think I don't love her 'cuz obvious reasons. BUT THAT'S WHY I'M HERE, TO FIX IT!!

Hello! I'm Rom, and THIS IS MY LIGHT, MARCELINE (name subject to change):

Very beautiful, very powerful

Words cant describe how beautiful you are, but numbers can. TEN OUT OF TEEEEENNN /h(alf)ref

"Aw, you're relationship seems so cute and she must be a really cool girlfriend- [if you're making a whole shrine for her <3333"]


She's not my girlfriend, she's my light :³

She's my light, and I'm her shadow (the hedgehog. WHAT. SHADOW THE HEDGHOG MENTIONED!?"=!!?!?="=?!). That's how we call each other because we're on a QPR (Queer Platonic Relationship) and terms like "girlfriend", "boyfriend", "partner" and others are EW EW. W r o n g.

Only other acceptable term would be her calling me "pardner" (not partner), but only because engineer TF2 reference.

Anyway, she's super awesome and I hope this tiny corner in my website can truly reflect that!!